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The Grand CanyonIntimate Views【電子書籍】

The Grand CanyonIntimate Views【電子書籍】

<p><strong>Your personal tour of the Grand Canyon by the folks who know it best!</strong> Geology and biology, Indians and explorers, rafting and hikingーit's all here in this one handy guide written by five people whose years of hiking, river running, studying, and simply contemplating the Canyon have given them an intimate knowledge of its wonders that few others can match.</p> <p><strong>Contents</strong></p> <p>Foreword, by Ann H. Zwinger</p> <ol> <li>The Geologic Record, by Stanley S. Beus</li> <li>The Living Canyon, by Steven W. Carothers</li> <li>Grand Canyon Indians, by Robert C. Euler</li> <li>Historical Explorations, by Robert C. Euler</li> <li>The Canyon by River, by Kim Crumbo</li> <li>Hiking the Canyon, by Frank Tikalsky</li> </ol>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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